Pudge's Mini Meditations
Boosting Your Immune System and Calming Your Mind
Have you been feeling under the weather or sick this past month? Or maybe you are trying to avoid that nastiness that is going around!
Here is a great mini meditation/yoga asana (position) from Pudge to help build up your immune system and make you stronger.
1. Yoga-the stretching that Yoga provides help to make space in your body so your energy can move around smoothly.
~ Legs Up The Wall or Viparita Karani
Pudge is demonstrating this in the picture
Simply lie on the floor with your bottom close to a wall or closed door, swing your legs up the wall. rest your arms on the floor beside you. Breathe and relax, feel your limbs sinking into the floor as you follow your breath in and out of your body.
Don't forget to Smile :)
'Legs Up the Wall' *can boost your immune system
*calm your mind and give you a feeling of well- being.
*and decrease feelings of stress, btw if you are stressed you are very likely to 'pick' up a bug.
2. Mudra- is a hand gesture that is normally done with yogic breathing
~Surya Ravi Mudra can * boost your energy
* stimulate digestion
*increase your stamina (energy)
When Pudge does 'Legs up the Wall he likes to also incorporate this mudra into his practice.
Bring your index or pointer finger tip to the tip of your thumb, like you are making a circle. Now straighten you other fingers out and place your hands on your thighs as you are resting your legs up the wall.
3. Now lets add sound...
Inhale deeply and as you exhale say the word 'LAM'..the sound LAM resonates with the Root Chakra. LAM can help rebalance your root Chakra making you feel safe, secure and stronger.
Do daily for 5 to 20 minutes, or longer....Pudge loves to do this before he goes to bed. It helps to relax his mind so he is able to have a good night sleep.

make this easy meditation tool at home
A glitter jar is a fun tool to help improve your concentration.
This is a good tool to use to help beginner young meditators because the glitter may only swirl for a minute or two.
Find a spot where you can sit comfortably and your glitter jar can rest at eye level. Give your jar a shake, set it down and simply watch the glitter swirl about in the jar. Try not to think about anything else. Just watch the glitter swirl and settle on the bottom of the jar.
Glitter Jar Recipe
In a measuring cup, stir together a ¾ cup of light corn syrup with ½ cup of hot water. Pour into your clean glitter jar (can be a plastic bottle or mason jar). Add a few drops of your favourite colour of liquid watercolour or glitter. Put the lid on nice and tight and give it a shake.
From of "Pudge Learns to Meditate"