**If you have a group of people wanting a class, I can bring the class to you!**
Evening classes
Monday to Thursday
6-8 pm
Classes at held at
Spirit Reiki Center
1079 Cassells, North Bay
Weekend or Saturday
Times and cost vary
depending on course.
Check calendar
Any evening classes can be held during the day.
Email me with your requests.
Most classes require 4 or more happy people.
Wired & Tired~ Energy Booster Routine
Awaken the Healer in you by taking charge of your life with some energy self care techniques. Each of us has the inherent ability to heal ourselves and improve our optimal health and well being.
Energy Medicine is a natural technique that manipulates our energy lines. Our bodies are meant to be healthy, when we are stressed and our life is hectic our energy lines become blocked and/or stagnant contributing to exhaustion, poor health and dis-ease.
This quick routine is easy to learn and easy to incorporate into your day: while showing, taking an elevator and waiting for the toast to pop :) Women especially should do everything possible to keep their energy lines flowing smoothly to help protect breast health, balance hormones and decrease those menopausal symptoms.
An energy routine will help:
*increase/balance energy *boost your immune system
*unscramble thoughts *calm your mind
*increase your endurance *increase mental clarity
* improves ability to handle stress and decreases anxieties
~Get back your energy, vitality and health~
Meditation or Mindfulness has become a great buzz word.
Studies have shown us many health benefits with meditating from decreasing anxieties to sleeping better.
In this class we will talk about
* why we should all take up meditation
*where to sit, how to sit and when to sit
*mudras or hand positions
*breath work...3-5 techniques
*Practice Loving Kindness Meditation
information from
"Pudge Learns to Meditate"
click bird for link
Basics in Meditation
Basics in Meditation
check calendar for upcoming dates
cost is $30.00 per one parent and child
also available as a Saturday class for
kids & parents
Breast Health Energy Workshop
This evening class on the importance of breast health and why we should throw away our underwire bras, ladies!
We know our health depends on our diet, exercise and our mental health. When it comes to breast health, our lymphatic system should be our main focus. Our lymphatic system does not have a pump like our circulatory system has the heart. The lymphatic fluid, which carries toxins to be removed, 'pumps' when we move or do low impact exercises.
Come to this informative class and learn...
* energy exercises to stimulate lymphatics *have lymphatics and energy tested
* four thumps *radiant circuit exercise to promote healing
*simple meditation to improve heart health *align chakras for better breast health
*foods to promote breast health *foods to avoid
*Thermography imaging
Tell a friend and make an evening of improving your health. Healthier is smarter!
Busy Beings Meditation Tips
When we get too caught up in achieving and 'surviving', our world becomes super stressful and overwhelming. A simple way to "get off the treadmill' is to take time for ourselves through a daily meditation practice.
Meditation is not about sitting in full lotus for hours trying to completely clear your mind...that's stressful!
Join us and learn 5 very simple breathing and mindful exercises that will help you de-stress, decrease anxiety, increase your immune system, improve mental/physical health and energize you.

Dry Brushing Workshop
Be Healthier, have more energy and less cellulite by...Dry Brushing
Dry brushing has been around for centuries and is very easy and cost effective way to improve your health.
Besides making your skin beautiful, dry brushing has been linked to several health benefits like improving the
flow of your lymphatics. This is very important to helping fight dis-ease as the lymphatics removes
the toxins from your body.
Learn the proper way to dry brush, and keep your body's garbage removal system working at its best.
Dry brush your way to your best health
Handouts included If you have a natural tub brush, please bring it.