... begin your path toward healing
Reiki Services
Energy Medicine Services
PEMF Therapy
Reiki session ……
You will relax in a quiet comfortable environment fully clothed on a massage table while you receive your hour of Reiki. In this session, the wonderful energy of Reiki will clear and energize you. Your chakras and aura will also be cleared and balanced, energizing you to go back out into the world. This treatment will continue to work in the days to follow, as your body naturally returns to a healthier and more vital state.
After your session you will feel rejuvenated as though you have had a nice long nap :)
Reiki for children under 16 years
Children respond quickly to Reiki and may only take 5 - 20 minutes to do a treatment. Reiki can help your child relax so they can get a better sleep. Reiki can help your child concentrate better in class, studies show that children labeled with ADHD respond very well to Reiki treatments.
Reiki for Pets
Energy re-Balancer ......50 minutes
​ This is a super relaxing, energizing and restorative treatment. Perfect for those of us that a crazy busy, exhausted and stressed out.
Our bodies are designed to be healthy and energetic. Energy work helps you to tap into your bodies natural abilities to restore, heal and reprogram your energies to make you feel better. Some issues this treatment may help: trouble sleeping, stress confusion, exhaustion, sluggishness and headaches. The Brazilian Toe Treatment promotes very deep relaxation,alleviates aches and pain, reduces insomnia and restless leg syndrome and may reduce the side effects of chemo and/or radiation.
Chakra/Aura Testing and Clearing……50 minutes
When the Chakras are not in balance or the Aura has tears, you energy will be affected and may cause illness. When our energy systems are al balanced and tuned in to each other we experience optimal health physically, mentally and spiritually. Additional techniques will be taught to you to continue at home.
This treatment is especially good for those who work in a healing modality.
Healthy Wave Therapy .... 30 minutes
Includes PEMF, Crystal, Photon, Negative Ion and Far Infrared
A session may be booked without Far Infrared.
Contraindications with FIR
Pregnancy or breast feeding Metal rods, pins and implants
Cautions with pacemaker...please consult your MD
5 pack of sessions $200.00 with a bonus Cedar Foot Soak
Session must be booked at time of purchase
When doing a treatment on someone, I normally follow my intuition, unless a specific treatment is requested. Namaste Kimberly a.
Mobile Service
I can bring services to you, or...
get a group of friends together who want to experience Reiki, and I will do a energy treatment on each...this is really fun if you invite another service like a medium.
Extra fees may apply.
Shungite Therapy
Shungite Meditation Therapy ...30 minutes
Enjoy 30 minutes in a relaxed and EMF free zone. You may sit on a chair or on a zafu (meditation pillow). Pyramids of shungite, selenite rods, shungite harmonizers, shungite pad ( to lay on areas of pain) and reiki-ed water will be available to help you balance, detoxify from EMF energies and begin your path to self-healing.
Harmonizers can be held during a Reiki treatment for no extra charge
Cedar Foot Soak
Cedar Foot Soak
This is a Sacred Traditional healing treatment and I am very honoured to be given the teachings and can now offer this wonderful therapy to you.
Cedar is a great detoxifier and cleanser. It is great to help relieve colds and lung issues, naturally supports the bladder and kidney ( our bodies detox center) calms and relaxes and is packed full of vitamin C.
Please let booking know if you wish this treatment added as it takes 24 hours to prepare.
Smudging your home and self is a ceremony of cleansing that has been around for centuries. Many cultures still smudge today.
It releases dense and negative energies leaving your space feeling lighter.
I use a blend of herbs that will cleanse, purify while bringing in the energy of wisdom and love....and maybe help you sleep better.