Keep it Cool

Time to find ways to help us cool down as the temperature heats up. What is my favourite suggestion ~ refreshing water.
You may stand in it, swim in it, float on it or just sit by it, but best way to enjoy water is to simply drink it. Yes, drinking water can help you keep your cool! Drink lots of pure clean water. Your body is made mostly of water and your brain has more water in it than any other organ in your body, including your skin. This high concentration of water in our cells helps our energies and systems to move more easily.
As we perspire in the summer heat, we release water from our body’s cells which will slow down the movement of energy throughout our body. This could cause dis-ease to begin to set in, dis-ease like dehydration.
Symptoms of dehydration can be nagging dull headache, dizziness, confusion and ‘hunger pains’. Yes, you may not really be hungry when your stomach growls, it may be thirst.
Water Tips: a. Drink beautiful ‘live’ water or spring water (from a good source). If you know of a source of ‘live’ water, get to it and drink water is full of all of nature’s wonderful nutrients that we require to survive. If this is unavailable…. b. Drink filtered water. The chemicals and chlorine used to treat city water (tap water) can be harmful to your energies and health. Three best ways to filter your water are through reverse osmosis, distillation and carbon (activated charcoal). c. Add cucumber or berries to your filtered water to give it a refreshing taste. d. Add macerated fresh basil leaves to your water. Basil is very healing for your digestive tract; calming inflammation. It contains loads of vitamins and minerals, plus has anti-bacterial properties. It is very safe to give to everyone. I put a drop of essential basil oil (do not take essential oils internally) into a carrier oil, like organic coconut and massage it into my granddaughter’s belly, instead of giving her gripe water. e. Add macerated mint leaves to your water. (peppermint is related to basil so has similar properties). Mint also has many health benefits. It will reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Mint can calm nausea and reduce headaches and may calm respiratory symptoms, like asthma.
Our meridians are meant to flow forward. When our bodies are ‘dealing with’ stress, work, home life and summer heat, our meridian will flip and begin to flow backwards. This is the body’s natural response to get us to sit or lay down and rest. This reverse response will make you feel exhausted, exercise that should rejuvenate you will only add to your exhaustion. You can’t sleep at night and during the day all you want to do is sleep! It’s hard to make decisions or to get motivated to do anything. It’s like you are waist deep in mud and trying to complete all your errands! (Is this sounding a wee bit like a retrograde?!!!)
Our bodies are saying “Stop and rest, now!”. Reiki and Energy Work (running your meridians and calming your Triple Warmer) are two simply and beautiful things that we can do to support the forward flow of your meridians. Right now at Spirit-ki, we have a wonderfully relaxing and rejuvenating treatment available... Quickie Energy Balancer and Brazilian Toe Technique