Bring the Power of Attraction into your New Beginnings

Since completing my new book “Pudge Learns to Meditate”, I have spent some of my ‘writing time’ re-reading my favourite books. Divine Magic by Doreen virtue, Power of Abundance by Dr W. Dyer and The Magic by Rhonda Byrnes, all have a special spot in my reading nook. These three books reveal a common theme or formula on how to become abundant in life. I wish to share some very easy tips from the masters over the next few months.
Receiving abundance , they write, is easy to achieve if a few rules are followed. Universal laws are simple yet precise.
Ask... Believe....Gratitude...Receive
You ask and the abundant universe answers, always! No exceptions. This is the Law of Attraction, it is the first and greatest Law of the All.
What you think and give thanks for, you will receive in abundance. Your thoughts become things. Think about that. Your thoughts become things. What you give your energy and your passion to, you will receive.
Here is a recent example.
I wanted to read another book by Rhonda Byrnes. Her book “The Magic” sat on my bedside table, and every time I passed it I would say “Yes, I want to read The Secret”. Over the Christmas break, we cleaned out a closet and I marched off to Value Village to drop it off. The gentleman who took my stuff gave me a coupon for a free book. I hadn’t planned on going into the store but on a whim I decided to go in. The first thing I saw when I walked through the door was “The Secret” sitting on a shelf by itself. So cool.
The thoughts you hold in your mind and have strong feelings for become the things that you attract into your life. Our job is not to figure out the why or the how you will attract these things, it is simply to visualize, stay joyful and believe in our dreams.
It’s monday morning and you have woken up late! (in our house it would be due to the cat: she gets great joy from turning our alarm clock on and off at all hours of the night) So you are late, you jump out of bed and stub your toe, you spill jam down the front of your shirt and now have to shovel your way to the car and it’s only 0830. “Ugh, I hate mondays” you yell out to the universe ...or to the neighbour. This very passionate ‘request’ is sent out to the universe and the universe says ‘Absolutely. Your wish is my command.’ So your mondays continue to be a nightmare.
The good thing is that what has been created in the past, is just the past. We are meant to live abundantly and passionately in the present.
This reality we have created with our past thoughts can easily be changed for the better, now in the present…. simply by altering your thoughts and feelings.
Everything in this world is made from energy. We are simply energy, a table is energy, a car and flowers are energy. When anything is put under a microscope millions and billions of tiny atoms can be seen jumping or vibrating around. This vibration creates a frequency that attracts other things of the same frequency. Remember the Law ‘like attracts like’. Our thoughts also carry a vibration frequency that will attract other thoughts of the same frequency. When you repeatedly think life is out to get you, the universe replies with more ‘issues’. Or you think that person is very unpleasant to me, the universe give you more unpleasantries. When you think and are thankful for your beautiful and abundant life, the universe responds with more beauty.
“Attract the good instead of the bad.”
Using a mantra like ‘thoughts become things’ daily helps to keep thoughts positive and on the right track. When monkey thoughts start to become negative or judgy this mantra immediately brings into focus what you are materializing.
It’s like a visual slap in the head …”Hey wake up, do you really want that to come back to me.” “No way” So I switch my thinking to what I really want to attract. “I love my wonderfully awesome day.” Say it over and over a few times until you feel your wonderful awesome day in your bones. Saying your ‘wishes’ with heart and passion will secure your wishes arrival. Giving gratitude for the awesome day you are about to receive will ensure your wishes arrival.
This is a powerful manifesting year, being a 1 year plus January is a 1 month, so what do you want to attract and wish for?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Kimberly a.
Spirit-ki Energy Healing Center