Heal yourself with Mindful Self-care
When you are happy and healthy and full of positive loving energies, you are happy contagious and can spread this happiness to your family and throughout the world. Try this simply experiment. Go into your local mall and simply smile at everyone you meet, a really big smile right up into your eyes. Then sit on a bench and watch what happens. Soon everyone will be smiling!
Happiness attracts happiness just like positive energies attracts positive things into your life.

Self -care is actually the first step. Self-care does not mean you are being selfish. If you a run-down and exhausted, you will not be happy. If you are not happy every you meet will not be happy.
1. Meditate… this world is fast-paced, loud, filled with electronic static. It is so important to find your inner peace. As Anna Nalick says in her beautiful song...just breathe. Search out a few minutes of silence each day and just breathe. And let's face it, some days the only silence to be found is locked in the bathroom with the fan on.
2. Mantra… a mantra is a simply and positive phrase, like an affirmation. When repeated over and over, a mantra can create a calmness within you. It can help you stay in your meditation, instead of sitting quietly in meditation and...thinking about supper. It can also there for you during troubled times. “Today, I am peace” There are days I say this through gritted teeth, over and over until I feel myself relax and believe it.
3. Take a news break… don’t read the papers or listen to the news, if just for a short period. Listening to all that negativity will pull your vibrations down. Keeping your vibrations high so you can send out love and light to the world, in the long run will be more helpful than listening to the news everyday.
4. Taking time for you… is not selfish. It is essential to keeping your energies high. If you are exhausted from being there for others all the time. You will burn out, being of no help. Try to find a self-care treatment you can do everyday, to give you love and renew your energies. A soothing bath with wonderful scents, a simple cup of tea meditation or just stop and take a few healing deep breaths to help you re-focus. Meditating and Donna Eden’s 5 minute Energy Routine what keep my energies moving happily around me. Donna Eden’s 5 minute routine…... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di5Ua44iuXc
5. Gratitude… practice, practice, practice gratitude everyday. Some days it is very difficult to be grateful, when things are falling apart, your plate is full, and that guy just cut you off. . Send him a big smile and a wish for patience. Try to find the good in everything and everyone.
6. Take a nature break...mother nature is very healing. Find that inner hippy, hug a tree, squish your feet in the dirt and smile at the heavens and ......dance like no one is watching.
7. Know when to quit. The world has so much hurt, the people are hurting, the earth herself is hurting. Send your beautiful healing energies out with lots of love and light and then let it go. Release that energy to the universe. The letting go is the important part to your self-care.
8. Eat healthfully and mindfully. I know we are all busy but mindful eating is very important and slimming...lol So grab that organic peanut butter sandwich, breathe in a deep cleansing breath, plant a sweet smile on your face, and take a big bite. Chill-ax and chew. Cause, girlfriend you have a secret, you are absolutely perfect and having an awesome day! Even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.
Namaste and angelhugs