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I love the word ‘inspire”, it’s well...very inspiring.

The root of ‘inspire’ is ‘spir’ meaning spirit, and ‘spirit’ comes from the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath. Breathing is something us humans do very regularly, and is also a good focus for meditation. Breathing and spirituality are very connected, as they are one. As we breathe so enters spirit as breath.

I am asked often what ‘inspired me’ to write my book ‘Pudge Learns to Meditate’ or what inspires my pillow creations from recycled clothing ( What was my motivation? I am never sure how to answer the question.

Inspiration is very different from motivation, where the ‘nothing will get in my way’ attitude drives us towards the end goal. Inspiration is more about being patient, waiting for that gut feeling or inner voice (Source) to speak. It's about trusting your inner self and spirit, to guide your moves toward your life’s path.

“I think of the word inspiration as meaning “being in-Spirit.” When we’re in-Spirit, we’re inspired…and when we’re inspired, it’s because we’re back in-Spirit, fully awake to Spirit within us.” Dr Wayne Dyer**

Inspiration is not something that can be forced or cajoled, that is motivation, yet inspiration can be persuasive.

When we are ‘in-spirit’, our creativity is flowing abundantly, we walk tall, feel joyful and truly connected to the Earth and the Universal Force of Source. We are full of high energy. We are living in-’spir’. When not ‘in-spirit’ or ignoring the inspirations sent our way, we feel disconnected, off, nothing seems to works out or in our favour. We seem to come up against roadblocks and are exhausted.

Dr Dyer explains that motivation is driven by ego, grabbing ahold of an idea and running with it, whereas inspiration is spirit, the idea forms from within us and slowly and gently takes root. As you become more in-spirit, trusting, calmer and in peace, you tend to follow ego’s demands less.

Increase your ability to hear inspirations by sitting in quietness daily. Follow ‘spir’ as it flows in and out of you, as breath.

Sitting by the water heightens your energies vibrations making it easier to hear spirit. Drinking lots of clean filtered water (Reiki bless the water) will increase your energy’s vibration. Repeating mantras of high vibrational words, like ‘I am love’, ‘I am bliss’ and ‘I am joy’, will also improve in-spirit hearing. Follow Pudge ( this week as he is at the ocean for inspirational ideas and meditation tips.

Don’t worry if you feel you have missed an inspirational calling, ‘spirit’ is also very persistent, and your inspirational path will be shown to you over and over, until it is clearly seen.

Namaste and angelhugs

Kimberly a.

**Dr Wayne Dyer was born in Detroit on May 10 1940, the date of our May’s Full Flower Inspirational Moon, and died this past August (August 29, 2016).

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