Summer Solstice and Radiance

Summer Solstice is the celebrated beginning of our long awaited summer. Solstice comes from the Latin word solstitum and means “sun-stopping”. In the northern hemisphere; light outshines darkness on this day. The extended daylight, over the centuries, has inspired “many-a-grand festivities”. The most famous of festivals being Stonehenge in England.
Summer is the perfect time for us to re-discover our connection to Mother Earth and the lessons she is urging us to learn. Watch summer as she burst forth from a tiny seed, and pushes her way through the soil, teaching us determination, growth and power in ourselves, our believes and new ideas. She teaches us patience as we wait for the bounty of those tiny seeds to grow strong and flower or fruit. She teaches self-love as even a weed blooms with radiance so the bees can collect its nectar. She teaches us fulfillment and expansion as nature begins to reseed and spread throughout our gardens. These are the gifts that Mother Earth wishes to share with us this summer, so we may strengthen the “spiritual being” within us that is having this “human experience” on Earth.
There are several very easy ways to herald in and celebrate the summer solstice.
Outdoor bonfires, throughout the ages, has always been a common factor with celebrating. To enhance and deepen your wishes, throw in some dried herbs like Vervain, Lavender or other local herb. Add White Sage and Cedar bits to your fire to discourage any pesky insects from inviting themselves to your soiree. Sit and meditate by looking into the flames, focus and celebrate the characteristics you share with nature. **Be aware of any fire restriction in your area**
A beeswax candle can be a great substitution to a fire and a wonderful addition to your daily meditation. It cleanses the air by clearing out negative energies and entities. Make it special by surrounding your candle with some freshly picked blooms or petal that Mother Earth is offering on this day.
My favourite way…make a sun mandala. Go in nature (make it a mindful walk, for added benefits) and collect feathers, petals, blossoms and sparkly stones and arrange them in a beautiful circle. Creating a mandala out of nature, in nature is a beautiful healing and sacred experience. Maybe create your sun mandala along a pathway for others to enjoy, doing this will send a beautiful positive vib out to the universe.
Take pictures of your sun mandalas and send them to my Instagram at spiritkienergyhealing, I would love to share them.
Namaste and happy solstice.
Kimberly a.