Sturgeon Full Moon

The Sturgeon Full Moon rises tomorrow, August 18th. The days around a full moon can cause sensitive people to be very emotional, on edge and unable to sleep at night. The pre-shadow of yet another mercury retrograde (august 30th) has also begun this week, which is only going to increase our increased sensitivities...yikes!
Be kind to yourself and when the energies get out of hand, step back, take a deep breath...and find your funny bone!
This night is a great time (and for the next 2) to place your beautiful crystal out in the moonlight for cleansing, even if skies are cloudy, the moon will do its job. Cleansing is very important for your crystals because as the negative energy is released, (full moon releases) the positive healing energy moves in.
Your personal energies (aura and chakras) should also be cleared at this time. Spend quiet time out in nature, (or even locked in the bathroom if your nature is too crazy), unplug and just listen to mother earth speak to you. Dig deep and find your inner hippy...hug a tree, smell the earth, sit under the full moon and breathe in nice cleansing breaths.
The full moon is also a fabulous time to "release the old" from your house....purge those things you no longer want and give them away.
Quick Meditation/visualization
Sit comfortable (or just stand still for a minute). Take in some nice long deep breaths.
Focus your intentions on the top (crown) of your head.
Visualize clear white energy falling from the heavens and pouring into your crown. Pull this beautiful energy down through your body and out the soles of your feet, cleansing and clearing out negative energy as it moves.
Have the old energies enter the earth for transmutation. Remember in order for new energies/opportunities to come to you, you need to stop holding onto those old stagnant thoughts/complaint.
Release and let go! with a big "whoosh".
" I can handle whatever is in front of me, I am strong. I am patient. All will be resolved in Divine time"
namaste _/\_