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September Actions &Energies

September is a month that is full of releasing energies, so get ready to release. It is the nine month of the year. Nine means “things have come to completion”, like summer:(. It also means spiritual awakening and enlightenment. In order to complete we must release the old to make room for new to enter. Exhale completely and breathe in the new.

The beautiful Full Corn/Barley Moon will rise on September 6 at 3:04 am EST. this moon gets its name because corn and barley are ready to be harvested. Yum... fresh organic corn with fresh herbs and butter.

The New Moon will (not) be present in the sky on September 16th at 1:30 am :)

Remember the New Moon is about new beginnings and is a perfect time to set healing intentions. The Full moon is for releasing old and unwanted habits that no longer serve you. It can cleanse crystals and stones, so sit them carefully on a window sill so they can release the negative energies they have collected from around you.

I am also sorry to have to say but the Autumn Equinox also arrive in September on the 22nd at 4:02 pm EST. Equinox means “equal night”, meaning day and night are about the same length of time. It’s a time to celebrate the fall harvest and to prepare for winter. It’s also a great time to practice ‘letting go’ like the trees let go of their leaves. Spiritki Healing Center may be having a “Throw it all Away” event this day, so watch for details on our website.

Have you been feeling Again? Confused? Unable to articulate your thoughts? Have you lost mail or emails? Is your phone or computer doing wacky things? Do you feel dizzy, off kilter, spacey? Are old issues rearing their ugliness again? Does everything you say get heard wrong?

Yes you guessed it, we are in another Mercury Retrograde. And because Mercury rules communication, our communication gets derailed. Beside the retrograde we have had a lunar eclipse(Aug. 7&8) and an amazing solar eclipse on the 21st of august.

Best advice for coping with all the crazy in your face energies: meditate, smile and nod, take lots of Himalayan Salt baths, meditate, fill your pockets with Hematite, Smokey Quartz and sage, and spend time alone yourself...meditate!

Blessings, angelhugs and namaste

Kimberly a.

Spiritki Healing Center...a safe place to begin your path to healing:)

1079 Cassells, North Bay


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