Change your thinking!

Ahh mercury retrograde. Again I feel the need to write about this powerful time and to stress the importance of positive thinking. After all THIS mercury retrograde began in the month of August, the 8th month; 8 meaning abundance. So your foremost prayer (and yes worry is a form of prayer) is going to come to you in abundance!!! I could say "Yikes" here....if I was thinking negatively.
I know there are several times when positive thinking can seem impossible to do. Like when faced with an issue or circumstance that you feel you have no control over and to change your perspective from fear based to joy based. But when you change your feelings (or prayers/worries) to a more positive outlook, an amazing shift happens. Positive particles just bouncing in and around you...your energy systems flow become healthier, happier ...your vibrations increase...and you attract more joy into your world! Beautiful!... This shift in thinking re-aligns you with the high vibrational being you are meant to be. :) Begin to notice your thought patterns. When thinking or saying something negative, stop and take notice of that thought. Release it and then find the positive side. For instance instead of thinking "I just lost my job" Think... " Now I can accept all those new opportunities coming my way" "the world is full of great opportunities for me to find." "a new door is opening" "I am bountiful, blissful and beautiful" " I have great abundance" "Everything is perfect in my world" and my favourite mantra... " I am totally open to some awesome coming my way, now. Thank you universe for (insert what you want)."
Have a totally awesome day :) Nameste Kimberly a.