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Understanding your Chakras

(Pronounced cha-kra with a hard “ch” like the word chair)

In Sanskrit the word chakra means ”wheels of light”, or "wheels of energy".

Chakras are spinning wheels of energy found in your body and they lie along the body’s many energy pathways. The seven major chakras run in a line along your spine; from your tailbone to your crown. Chakras interact constantly with your body’s systems by feeding them energy and removing used energy.

Chakra can become blocked or overactive depending on what you are doing or thinking. Every experience, thought and feeling you have ever had gets stored in your chakra., causing your chakras to become unbalanced or clogged. When your chakra become out of balance they can throw your entire system off. If your system stays out of balance too long; dis-ease can set in.


Root Chakra ~Maladhara ~our right to have or to be here.

This first of the three lower chakras. It sits at your tailbone and spirals downwards.

It vibrates at the lowest level of the seven major chakra. Usually seen as being ruby red in colour. It is masculine and its element is earth. Its main focus is physical existence, being grounded, secure and safe.

Positive qualities

stability, vitality,prosperity,patience and career success.


bowel and blood disorders, obesity, anorexia, spacey, financial problems and instability.


eating organic plant based proteins and red foods, drumming, gardening, walking barefoot, grounding exercises, essential oils like patchouli, vetiver and sandalwood. crystals like garnet and hemetite. chanting Lam

Affirmation ~I AM grounded, safe and secure.

Sacral Chakra ~Svadisthana ~ our right to feel.

This chakra sits between your pubic bone and your belly button. It spirals outward. Usually seen as orange in colour. It's energy is feminine and its element is water. The main focus of this chakra is intimacy and emotions.

Positive qualities

joy, creativity, adaptability, sensuality, pleasure


reproductive and genital issues, infertility, isolation, hip issues, dehydration.


scented soothing baths with jasmine and/or geranium, hip opening exercises like pigeon, hula-hooping, and massage, eating orange foods. crystals like coral and moonstone. chanting Vam

Affirmation ~ I AM creative and adaptable. I AM able to enjoy the pleasures of life

Solor Plexus Chakra ~ Manipura~ our right to act.

This chakra sits below your ribs ans above your belly button. It also spirals outward. Recognized as being yellow in colour. It's energy is masculine and it's element is fire. Manipura's main focus is power and personal identity.

Positive qualities

power, confidence,charisma, strong will, humour and leadership.


digestive problems, kidney liver issues, rage, diabetes, ulcers, chronic fatigue, low self esteem.


sunshine, read and do puzzles, abdominal strengthening, yoga moves like boat and plank, doing breath of fire. essential oils like basil, ginger and bergamot. crystals like topaz and citrine. chanting Ram.

Affirmations ~ I CAN do anything I set my mind to. I AM powerful and use my power wisely.

Heart Chakra ~ Anahata ~ our right to love

The Heart Chakra is the Bridge between the upper and lower chakras. This chakra sits at the heart center. It is a beautiful emerald green and can sometimes be pink or a mixture of pink and green. It is a feminine energy and is the element of air. Love and connection are the main focus.

Positive qualities

love, trust, healing, compassion and connection.


apnea/asthma, heart and lung issues, breast CA, allergies, immune disorders, antisocial


**practice gratitude**, inner child work, eat and drink whole organic green foods, yoga poses like bridge, fish and heart opening, essential oils like rose and eucalyptus, crystals like jade and emerald. chanting Yam.

Affirmations ~ I love myself deeply and completely. I AM loving and lovable

Throat Chakra ~ Vishuddha ~ our right to express

The throat chakra is the first of the upper chakras and sits at the throat. It is seen as a clear sky blue. It is masculine in energy and is the element of sound. Life's purpose and self expression are its main focus.

Positive qualities

truth, purpose, expression, artistry,synchronicity, and communication


thyroid and hearing problems, teeth and gum issues, lying, tonsilitis, stiff neck and shoulders, fear of speaking up.


"SAY NO", sing, write, speak of your deepest truth, journal daily, yoga poses like fish, camel, crystals soladite and turquoise, essential oils like blue chamomile and hyssop. chanting Ham.

Affirmations ~ I KNOW my truth and I share it. I AM guided by true life's purpose.

3RD eye Chakra ~ Ajna ~ our right to perceive

This chakra is found at the brow center. Indigo is its colour. It is feminine in energy and its element is light. Clear perspective psychic thought is its main focus.

Positive qualities

vision, intuition, dreams, insight, clairvoyance, perception.


vision problems, migraines, nightmares, bi-polar, sleep disorders, sinus issues, hallucinations, lack of intuition.


balance right and left sides of brain, gaze at the stars or ocean/water, yoga poses like eagle. crystals like opal and lapis lazuli. essential oils like clary sage and ylang ylang. chanting OM

Affirmations ~ I AM intuitive and follow my inner guidance.

Crown chakra ~Sahasrara ~ our right to know.

This is the final of the seven major chakras. It sits just above your crown. Violet in colour. Its element is thought. The main focus is to connect with spirit with wisdom.

Positive qualities

unity, wisdom, awareness, bliss, miracles,understanding.


Alzheimer, confusion, spaciness, mental illness, depression and apathy.


meditate, visualize, run energy lines, pray, yoga poses like seated lotus and twist. essential oils like myrrh and frankincense. crystals like clear quartz and amethyst. Being in silence.

Affirmations ~ I AM one with everything

You may not see your Chakras but you have most likely felt them. For instance;

  • an upset stomach when you are about to do something different, that feeling is your third chakra

  • a lump in your throat when you have something important to say, that is your throat chakra

  • the stabbing pain in your chest when someone has broken your heart, that is your heart chakra

  • even constipation while travelling away from home, that is your root chakra acting protective.

Clearing and balancing your chakra is key to our energy systems and our health. There are several ways to keep your chakras healthy;

  • meditate and repeat an affirmation that is connected to a chakra

  • yoga poses can balance chakras

  • diet; eat the colour of food that relates to the chakra you are trying to balance

  • crystal work and essential oils have certain characteristics that will help to balance chakras

  • stress-free happy living :)

  • or Reiki, energy work and chakra clearing

** Check out the Clearing your Chakra Evening classes that are available**

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